Nowadays, it's really challenging to stay productive especially in "Work from Home" environment. Thus today I am going to share some tips that I follow too to boost my productivity.
1. Minimize Distractions:
This one seems quite obvious but is really important. Don't check social media or news when you're supposed to work. All the this does for you is to waste your time. If you constantly get distracted, you will definitely pulled out from your zone and productivity goes to ZERO.
2. Don't Multi-task:
Don't review some other developer's code or other kind of work while your are in the middle of writing your own. Focus on the task at a time. What really happen when you are trying to multi-task is task-switching. And it task more time of switch between tasks than to stick with more time than to stick with one task until it's finished.
3. Optimize your Code:
There are plenty of great IDEs available. Some of them come with a lots of tool out of the box. Others have possibility to install plugins. These plugins can increase your productivity. For example, you could install plugins for syntax highlighting that makes your code more readable and help you find syntax errors more easily.
4. Take More Breaks:
The trick to getting more things done is taking more breaks? Although it sounds counterintuitive, it's actually true. If you really want to get more things done, you should take a break more often. Working too long without breaks will eventually make you less productive and tired.
5. Learn To Say NO:
Most people feel the need to be liked by other people, which often translated into saying yes to everything. This kills productivity. You need to say no to whatever isn't leading you to towards your goals. This includes saying no to distractions. Saying no saves you time in future, precious time that you may could use to work on your goals.
Suggest your ways to enhance productivity.